Will you let your father see your bridal dress before the wedding ?

Many of the brides wonder if their father is allowed to see the bridal dress before the wedding ceremony. According to etiquette, there seems to be no problem, while according to tradition and superstitions, the groom is the one who must not see the gown before the ceremony. Therefore, it appears that whether your father will see your dress after of before the ceremony is all up to you.
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But, there are many brides who have a strong relationship with their father and therefore they decide to take him at wedding dress shopping.

Will you let your father see your bridal dress before the wedding

As far as we are concerned, this is a great idea: the father will feel like he is involved in the process and he will also have the impression that his opinion matters too, since he will be the one paying for the wedding dress. Besides that, if your father enjoys shopping, then he will give lots of great ideas, concerning the design, colour, accessories, and so on. Not to mention that usually men are very direct and sincere and therefore you won’t make the mistake of buying something you will dislike later.

However, if your father hates shopping, you would better leave him at home, because otherwise he will rush you and thus, will make you purchase something in the run. Remember: he is not doing it on purpose; it’s just that his nature does not allow him to linger in shops and stores. So, avoid such situations and go accompanied only by your “female escort”, because they will be a lot more understanding than a man.

Will you let your father see your bridal dress before the wedding

Also, there are some brides who do not allow their father to see their wedding dress, simply because they want to surprise him. Maybe they believe that it will be a nice surprise for their father to see them after they have finished doing their makeup, hairstyle and so on. So, if you belong to this group, keep your dress away from your father and impress and amaze him on your wedding day. I’m sure that he will love this idea and will be patient enough, in order to see the transformation of his little princess into a real lady.

Will you let your father see your bridal dress before the wedding

So, think about it and decide which option would be best for you. You could even talk to your father and ask him what he would prefer to do, i.e. if he would like to go shopping with you or just wait for the big day. However, explain that you will visit many shops before making a decision and therefore he must go only if he thinks he could handle the pressure.