The perfect wedding dress for short brides

We come in different shapes and figures, we are very different from one another and therefore when looking for the ideal wedding dress, we have to be sure that what we are about to wear will be the perfect fit. Today, we would like to talk about the ideal dress for a short lady, who has a long torso and also beautiful long legs.

The perfect wedding dress for short brides

It is quite a beautiful combination; therefore it won’t be that difficult to find the perfect dress for you. Let’s mention first what you will have to avoid in order to: portray that flawless image. Well, you should know that ball gowns or puffy skirts aren’t quite a great choice for you, because they shorten the figure. Therefore, try to avoid them, as much as possible.

The perfect wedding dress for short bridesCredit
The perfect wedding dress for short brides

But, let’s get down to business and let’s mention what interests you to most, i.e. what you may wear, so that you will look fantastic. As you may have expected, you shall buy a dress with an elongated silhouette, such as: column dress, A-line dress, in short any gown that is tight fitting and slim will advantage you the most.

The perfect wedding dress for short bridesCredit
The perfect wedding dress for short brides

However, if you are a princess like bride, and if you desire something smooth and puffy you can go for a mermaid dress. Such dresses are tight fitting, they have an elongated silhouette, and they will also have some puffiness, thus becoming the perfect dress for your wedding ceremony and also for your figure. Therefore, if this is your desire do not hesitate in picking something like this for your ceremony.

The perfect wedding dress for short bridesCredit
The perfect wedding dress for short brides

And last but not least, you should know that colourful dresses are very fashionable these days. Therefore, do not be afraid to choose any other shade than white, because if you are a vivid and cheerful person, then colours will express that wonderfully. Anyway, you shouldn’t exaggerate and combine all sorts of colors. Just go for something elegant as: pink, peach, champagne, or even red and your image will surely be unique and one of a kind.

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All in all, if you fit in the description we have mentioned at the beginning, then you should totally follow our recommendations and suggestions, and thus everything will be perfect.