The maid of honor’s bouquet

We mentioned in several times that the maids of honor and the best man are key persons in a wedding ceremony. We can affirm that the wedding can’t take place without their presence. We’re just bragging a little bit, but that’s a true thing, because we need them in order for a wedding to be declared perfect! The maids of honor usually have the same dress and the same bouquets. Many don’t like the idea of being identical to someone else in clothing, but you may apply for some details that can make difference between the other persons!

the maid of honor's bouquet

We aren’t going to deal with the dresses of the maids of honor, and contrary to your thoughts we’re going to deal with their bouquets! Yes, those similar bouquets that every maid of honor carries in her hand. We’re going to give some suggestions that you may want to take into consideration, being a future bride or a maid of honor. Let’s mention also that both sides decide on the final outfit and elements regarding the wedding ceremony. So here you have some suggestions that you may want to take into consideration and that’s a great thing because with a couple of heads it’s impossible not to result a wonderful thing.
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The last thing we want to mention before starting our enumeration is that you should take into consideration several elements when choosing your bouquets: your dresses, the bride’s dress and the main theme of the wedding!

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The first suggestion we want to mention about is a bouquet which is placed in a purse. It will be much easier for you to carry this accessory along with you. We suggest a black purse with flowers in contrasting colors. For example in this case, the purse is black; it’s in perfect match with white flowers, pink or red.

Don’t forget to place some fresh green leaves here and there and also some transparent ribbons or pieces of lace. These accessories give a nice aspect to the entire floral arrangement! It’s great to have such a bouquet when you have a white color, pink or red!

For example, if you have a blue dress you can have a blue bouquet made under the form of a sphere. You can carry this bouquet with the help of a long ribbon attached to the bouquet and let’s not forget that the colors need to match perfectly when it comes both to the dress and the bouquet.

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The last example we want to mention in this topic regards a white and red bouquet for the maid of honor. If she wears a red dress, then this bouquet is perfect. Make sure that the flowers that compose this bouquet have asymmetrical buds, meaning one bigger that the other in order to give a wonderful aspect to this bouquet. Don’t forget about the leaves here and there, because they’re really important when it comes to colors and combining them. This bouquet doesn’t match perfectly only with a red dress, it fits with a white or green one perfectly!