Father Toasting to the wedding party
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Father of the Groom Speech Guide with Examples

The father of the groom has a lot of responsibilities throughout the wedding planning process. From arranging and paying for the rehearsal dinner to walking the groom’s mother down the aisle, there are several things dad has to tackle. 

While old wedding traditions didn’t dictate that one of these tasks would be presenting a father of the groom speech, modern-day times are changing that. If your nerves are getting the best of you, and you’re not sure what to include in your father of the groom toast, don’t worry! We’ve got you covered. 

Why Is The Father Of The Groom Speech Important?

Generally speaking, the host of the wedding is who presents a toast to the newlyweds which at many weddings is the father of the bride. But as the father of the groom, you are also welcome to break tradition especially if you are paying for a portion of the wedding (cause that makes you a co-host). 

Today, the groom’s dad giving a speech is becoming more and more popular. As the father of the groom, it is important for you to share your pride, and love for the couple as well as some well-wishes for their future life together.  If you want to say some loving words to the couple make sure to check with them first to get their approval.

When Should The Father Of The Groom Present His Toast?

The traditional wedding speech order doesn’t include the groom’s dad, the best place for you to present your inspirational toast is after your son and before the best man’s speech. The best man speech is the highlight and you want to make sure you don’t upstage him.

Traditional Wedding Speech Order

Here’s the ultimate guide to the traditional wedding speech order. 

  • MC
  • Father of the Bride
  • Groom
  • Best Man

What Makes A Good “Father Of The Groom” Speech?

The father of the groom toast is your opportunity to say somehow exceptional your son is, maybe share a funny story from his childhood, and of course some loving words about his new spouse. The key to writing a good or great father of the groom speech is to make it heartfelt and includes some inspiring tips for having a healthy marriage.

To make your father of the groom’s toast a huge success, you should prepare it in advance. Winging it could result in a wedding gaffe, and you don’t want that! Take time to write your speech in advance, including some real memories, humor, and raw emotions and you’re sure to have an incredible father of the groom toast. 

Tips On What To Include In Your Father Of The Groom Speech

  • Introduce Yourself (a no-brainer, we know, but the nerves may make you forget too)
  • Greetings To The Wedding Guests
  • Comments About The Newlyweds
  • Thank All The Vendors 
  • Add-In Some Fatherly Wisdom
  • Tips For A Healthy Marriage
  • Toast To The Couple

To help you get your writing juices flowing, we found some incredible wedding speeches for the father of the groom. These are sure to help inspire you to write a flawless, and engaging father of the groom speech. 

Father Of The Groom Speech Examples

Short & Sweet

“[Bride] and [Groom], while you have loved and cared for one another for a long time, today you became one! The outpouring of love witnessed in this room today makes me the proudest dad in the world. Both of our families are blessed that you are loved and cherished by so many. 

You are both surrounded by people that are thankful and honored to be able to be a part of your wedding day. I think I speak for all the guests here today, we wish you a lifetime of passion, respect, and undying love. Congratulations to you on continuing your journey through life together as one. 

A Proud Father Of The Groom

“[Groom,] as your dad, I couldn’t be more proud to know you. I have had the unbelievable pleasure of watching you as you grew from a little baby boy into an honorable, humble, and loving young man. Every day you amaze me, the love that lives inside your soul inspires me and the energy and zest for life keep me feeling young. On this beautiful day, I wish you many years of intense love, faith, passion, and prosperity. Congratulations to you and your stunning wife on your wedding day.”

A Tribute To The Newlyweds

“Hi, I’m (Father’s Name), (Groom’s) father. It is absolutely wonderful to see familiar faces in the crowd and I am excited to create new relationships with those of you I am meeting for the first time. My friends, family members, and people I do not know-all here to celebrate this special day with my son and with his beautiful new bride. <point to bride>

I still remember like it was yesterday : (tell a story about your son achieving something or playing a sport as a child. At that moment, I was the proudest father in the world. I really understand what it meant to love your child and to want to do anything you can for him.

Today he stands before you (say a few things about him ie: college graduate, and professional) and now, a married man, who is starting a family of his own. I couldn’t be happier for them both. 

So, let’s raise a glass to them. To the newlyweds, I wish you have a wonderful, joyous marriage filled with love and with an undying partnership. Congratulations (Bride and Groom)!”

Co-hosting The Wedding – A Wonderful Father Of The Groom Toast

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for coming on this joyous day that we’ll cherish forever. As the proud father of the groom, a father with decidedly emptier pockets for agreeing to co-host this happy day – it was definitely worth it, you crazy kids – I would just like to say that I’m glad it’s almost over.

Don’t get me wrong! Today has been so much fun, but now my house can go back to normal and there won’t be oodles of wedding decorations and tuxes and flowers everywhere. Did I mention the flowers? I don’t think our home has ever looked more like a flower shop. It’s amazing.

Now for the happy couple. Seeing (groom’s name) next to his bride has been such a treat, one that his mother and I won’t soon forget.

These two kiddies made a promise on their tenth birthday – the same day too – that if they were still single at age 30 they’d get married. I thought it was nonsense at the time. But incredibly, they ran into one another a year ago and it was instant chemistry. Who’d have guessed?

Here’s to decades of happiness together, wherever the winds may take you. We love you.”


Love Is Priceless

“[Bride] and [groom,] separately you are two wonderful people but together, you are even better. You finish each other’s sentences and can communicate without even saying a word. You know how to make each other laugh and smile and you know how to comfort each other as well.

You are two peas in a pod, there is no question at all that you were always meant to be together. I have so much love and respect for the two of you, for the lengths that you would go to for each other to make each other happy. Never lose what you two have because it is a priceless thing that you are lucky to be able to enjoy. Let us all raise a glass to the wonderful couple, my son [groom] and his wife, [bride.]”


A New Journey

“Marriages, like births, mark a new chapter in your journey through life. The day I drove home from the hospital after [Groom] was born was a certainly new beginning for me. To be the father of a son seemed a bit overwhelming, but anticipation for his life and our relationship helped me overcome my fears and work hard to be a father worthy of such a son.

Today, we couldn’t be more proud to be part of another new beginning as [Groom] and [Bride] embark on the journey to starting their own family. If they are anything like me they are probably filled with so many feelings; joy, anxiety, love, excitement and so much more.

My advice for both of you is to always be true to each other; share your joys and burdens; love in abundance and laugh frequently, and always be each other’s best friend. Speak well of one another, especially in public settings but also in private. And when things don’t go right, forgive always. Married life is a joyous adventure, and today you embark on living this adventure we call life together. Even though you are unique individuals, your vows and covenant taken today make you as a couple more important than either of you could be separate.

One day, if you are fortunate as I have been, you will stand in awe of a new life entering your family. That will be another beginning, filled with apprehension and anticipation. Bring to that relationship the same level of love and commitment you do to your marriage, and you will find joy beyond compare.

So today, your friends and family surround you as you begin something new and marvelous. Remember your promises, keep them with all your heart, and you will have that sense of joy and wonder that exceeds all you have previously known. With all my heart, I offer you my congratulations and warmest wishes as you begin the latest adventure life has to offer.”

Traditional Father Of The Groom Speech

“Good afternoon everyone. First of all, on behalf of my wife and me, I would like to welcome (groom’s or bride’s parents) into the family. I’d also like to welcome relatives and friends of both families and thank you all for being here, especially those of you who have traveled a long way to make this special occasion so memorable. (Bride and groom’s names) have obviously worked really hard on this beautiful wedding, and I’m sure everyone here agrees that the ceremony was wonderful.

I’d also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone else involved in making the day so special. At this point, I would like to formally welcome (bride or groom) into the family, even though you have been part of it for a good while now. Without sounding too corny, (bride or groom’s name), you are a great (girl or guy) who clearly loves our (son or daughter) and obviously makes him/her very happy. I think you have been with (groom or bride’s name) long enough now to know what you are getting yourself into by joining our family so, to be honest, I don’t have any sympathy for you. Seriously though (groom or bride’s name), we are glad that you are part of our family and I am proud to have you as a (son-in-law or daughter-in-law).

Sticking with tradition, I’d like to leave the new couple with some words of advice as they enter into this next stage of their lives together. As a great philosopher once said, a man who gives in when he is wrong is a wise man. Whilst a man who gives in when he is right is married. All that remains is for me to ask that you all join me in a toast to the happy couple. May you both live as long as you like and have all that you need for as long as you live. 

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you (bride and groom’s names).Cheers to a lifetime of love, prosperity, and happiness.”
