Retro make-up and accessories for brides

Hey ladies want to be unique at your own wedding by only using a single detail? It`s not impossible, in fact that says you`re full of imagination and you certainly must apply fur such an idea! It`s not bad at all! Look, for example, you like the image of the women in the ’40 or ’50 period? Just great! You can apply a retro look at your own wedding! It seems retro is going to be fashionable all the time!


One starting idea can be the little details applied on your face and the hairdo will certainly be starting points! Rebel curls, hair loosened up, porcelain aspect to your visage and neck, a flower of taffeta in your hair, instead of a veil, a mole applied with a black kohl, red lips and natural eyes! Does it ring a bell? Sensuality, simplicity and fashionable in the same time! You go girl! Great idea you had, and if it didn`t come into your head, certainly you`ll be enchanted by the things mentioned above!

Retro and vintage will always ring a bell in our heads, the retro image is clear, presented above. Let`s see now a vintage bride physiognomy! Natural seems to be the basic word for vintage! Few layers of make-up, maybe some powder on the eyelids, some blush in your cheeks and a natural pink on your lips, the hair is also steady, well-brushed, in a loop and round the hair do some pearls to underline the aristocrat, calm image! Sound tempting, right?


The years ’30 seemed to highlight the sensuality of the woman`s sight! A wonderful example can be this one: a deep make-up, which underlines the eyes and lips, shadows in the cheeks and the hair, is also great, beautiful curls, loosened up and a “tiara” around the beautiful and natural hairdo, made out of a similar material of the dress! You can use also as accessories some earrings with pearls!

Another great image is that of the next decade, the lips and eyes are also underlined with intense make-up, the hair is made under the form of a loop and different hats with different shapes are put on the hairdo and that`s just great! If you`re courageous you`ll certainly apply for this image!

Oh, we all like that typology: porcelain face, black eyeliner around the eyes, and even inside the lids to underline the eyes, the red lips, and a mole above the lips (as you can see the mole is a much encountered motif around the vintage look)! When it comes to hair, the ‘50s was marked by the usage of tiaras and small veils!


The next decade highlights the lips only, with pink nuances, the veil covers the face to show mystery regarding the bride! And on the veil were usually used romantic elements, such as flowers, especially roses! The hair was usually put into a loop and the image created was certainly of greatness!

No matter what period inspires you, the vintage make-up for brides is a wonderful motif and certainly will inspire uniqueness!