When we say traditional wedding cakes, we usually relate to the classic ways in which such sweet pieces are made: round layers placed one on top of the other, flower details and many other elements that are usually seen at the level of wedding cakes generally.
Traditional wedding cakes can look really modern if you want these to look in this manner. For this matter, we were thinking that you should take into account several suggestions of traditional wedding cakes, which seem to us great to apply for in case you want something special and tasty in the same time, but maintain a classic line.
We were thinking of a multiple layered wedding cake that is made of your layers, one placed on top of the other – between these layers we were thinking about flower details made of roses and between the rose buds we were thinking of some smaller flower buds, which look great together.
Source: http://www.weddingcakes.ie/new/traditional_cakes.html
As for each layer of the wedding cake, we think that it would look better with some nice looking patterns on, patterns similar to lace embroidery.
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Continuing in the same tone for traditional wedding cakes, we would like to share with you another great looking example of such wedding cake that consists of a multiple layered wedding cake, which is made of round layers with pearl applications here and there and at the basis of each layer you can observe an area that looks like a ribbon application. From the last layer down to the final one you can observe flower details that are attached to the wedding cake, together with leaf details.
Source: http://www.weddingcakes.ie/new/traditional_cakes.html
Another great suggestion that we have to share with you consists of a wedding cake that is realized in the same classical manner: multiple round layers that have pearl applications all around them, at the basis of each layer you can observe a shiny detail, which blends perfectly with all the rest of the details.
The wedding cake topper consists in flower details, which are added on the top side of the wedding cake and they consist of roses, white roses made of sweet ingredients.
Source: http://www.weddingcakes.ie/new/traditional_cakes.html
Besides the traditional wedding cakes that are made with round layers, we can recall many other models that you can apply for and remain in the same sphere.
Source: http://www.weddingcakes.ie/new/traditional_cakes.html
We’re speaking about a multiple layered wedding cake that is made with square layers and with pearl applications here and there. Also, one layer is distanced by the other through the usage of lily and rose details, which are made of sweet ingredients. The top layer consists of multiple flower details, which are made in the same way as the rest of the flower details used on the surface of this wedding cake.