Compact flower arrangements

The flower arrangements that you apply for in your wedding day are really important and we’re sure that you have your own ideas. In order to confer an interesting aspect to your tables and to your entire ceremony we have here some hints concerning the flower arrangements and maybe you’re thinking of applying for them or blend you ideas with the suggestions that we’re offering here.

We start with a really neat looking flower arrangement that will definitely change the aspect of your entire table.

compact flower arrangements

Take a normal candy box, filled with chocolate candy or whatever and place it in the middle side of your table. Unwrap it and the other side of the box can be filled with gorgeous looking flowers, your favorite flowers in different colors and arranged in a special manner.
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In the layer with the chocolate candies you may use here and there a flower in order to offer an interesting aspect and look. Let’s also mention that this type of idea can be used as a wedding favor and with smaller boxes. Believe us, this is indeed an idea that you would love to apply for in your wedding day and in a great looking ceremony.

We have another suggestion that you can consider when it comes to a great looking wedding. We’re speaking of a flower arrangement that consists of a small vase wrapped around with shiny fabric and in a pale color.

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This pot can be filled with flowers in different color tones and in different dimensions. The visual effect created is that of a compact flower arrangement that looks really nice in the same time.

You can also apply for differently looking plants in really green tones and this will definitely make your table look interesting. You may think that being so small, this arrangement doesn’t please you at all, well, we would like to contradict with this thinking because the combination of colors and the fact that it’s compact in the same time makes it really interesting.

Here’s the last compact flower arrangement that we would like to suggest to you and we’re sure that this will definitely make your table look interesting.

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This particular one consists of carnations and roses and it has also a pearl necklace in it, in order to look greater. Let’s also mention that this arrangement is placed in a glass container, transparent and made with nice patterns on the margins, it’s also filled with big and transparent marbles and this offers an interesting aspect! We totally recommend it to you!