Original bouquet 2

We’ve got some other helpful hints for you, some others that will definitely make your bouquet look special and original in the same time. The previous article suggested as well some interesting stuff that we’re sure you read with deep interest. No more to say! We are going to start with sharing you some other examples that will make you feel a special bride with a special bouquet.

The first suggestion that we have for you consists of adorning the bouquet with the help of crystals or different other details. Indeed, this will seem helpful for making it special. And you can discuss with the one that is making the pieces of jewelry that you wear in your wedding day: he can make some nice accessories as well for your wedding bouquet and so; you’re going to be in coordination with all the details.

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Think of it in this way: after the wedding is going to end, you’re going to remain with some nice looking accessories that are really great looking in the same time and you can use them in your house in the flower arrangements that you have in your home.
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We know the main idea: you don’t want something that’s outrageous; you just want it to be special. Well, you can be in this way with adding a little bit of you in the bouquet that you’re carrying. For instance, you can add a broche, your favorite broche, or another interesting thing would be to add some of the remains of your wedding dress between the flower buds and some other details added to the ribbon that you wrap around the bouquet.

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In case you don’t like the idea of adding pieces of fabric in your wedding bouquet, then we have another suggestion that will end up being cheap and really easy to apply for in the same time: add some branches between the flower buds or some thin plants; believe us, the effect is stunning!

The more you use your imagination, the better! You can do this: use light toned flowers and between their buds add really dark toned branches and you can be certain that the effect is guaranteed.

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A great idea that is really special in the same time: adopt jewelry bouquets. You can apply for bouquets that are made entirely of jewelry or with the addition of a natural flower here and there. You can realize a gorgeous looking bouquet that is multi colored in the same time with the addition of earrings, necklaces or any other small pieces of jewelry.

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We’re certain that these hints seemed useful for you and that you’re going to end up with marvelous looking bouquets that will definitely seem a good option for your friends in their wedding day.