When it comes to the engagement ring, every man would like to offer his lady a beautiful, sophisticated and glamorous jewellery item. As a result you are ready to spend whatever it takes, jut to see your beautiful girlfriend happy. But, the suggestion we would like to make you does not involve money, but tradition and emotions.
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What we would like to discuss in the following lines is whether you should offer your fiancé to be, your mother’s engagement ring. Usually women preserve their items for such occasions and nothing would make them more proud than offering their ring to their son, so that he could propose to his be loved one in a touching and emotional way.
Like we have just mentioned it, passing this ring from one generation to the other would mean a lot for your family tradition. Thus, you should not skip this adorable step, because it would strengthen your relationship even more.
Besides tradition, these vintage items have emotional value. Therefore, what girl wouldn’t like to adorn her finger with something full of meaning for the family she is about to enter? Thus, this is an important reason why you should offer your lady the family engagement ring.
Not to mention the money part. Given the fact that you will receive this ring, you will save a lot of money. It goes without saying that couples that deal with a limited budget wedding will be more than pleased with this solution. So, from this point of view, this engagement ring is very important.

In addition to this we shall add that the engagement ring is a serious element in a wedding. As a result you should not treat this matter superficially. On the contrary you shall show your fiancé to be how much she means to you and offer her something truly unique.

These being said, it means that such an engagement ring has many great points which you should take advantage of. So, if your mother offers to give you her ring, you should not refuse her, because you will surely hurt her feelings. Anyway, you should honour the family engagement ring tradition, because in this way, you future marriage will be a success.