Eight Incredible Centerpieces for Your Wedding

Are you tired of the traditional and terribly expensive floral arrangements at weddings? Why not get a little creative with your centerpieces and give your guests something to talk about (literally!) for years to come? It’s a great way to break out of the decoration doldrums and make your wedding truly memorable.

1. Don’t get Bored, get Board!

In just about every wedding, there’s a group of people who prefer just to sit around their tables and talk, often catching up with old friends and meeting new ones. Sometimes, these conversations can lull, leaving the people at the wedding who don’t dance with little to do. This won’t be a problem with a small collection of board games in the center of the table. This not only gives the guests something an activity, but provides an excellent opportunity for people to mingle at a table where guests might not already know each other.

2. Get Fishy Wid’ It

Tired of that bowl of traditional flowers or shiny multi-colored balls? Why not fill it with live fish? Just fill simple glass bowls with a few small decorations (marbles add a nice touch to the bottom) some water and, of course, a few exotic goldfish. You could even include a small packet of fish food. If you’ve got kids at the table, the goldfish is sure to be a big hit, especially if you let them feed the fish. It’s unique, cheap, and keeps both kids and adults entertained.

3. Write makes Right

If you’ve got a lot of literate friends, another unique centerpiece idea is an attractive journal that matches the theme of the wedding. It looks lovely on the table, and if you include a few pens (how about getting your names and the wedding date on them?) your guests can leave messages, congratulations, best wishes, fondest memories of the bride and groom, embarrassing stories, or anything they feel the bride and groom would enjoy reading as they reflect on their wedding day.

4. Bring it On, Cupcake

Never underestimate the power of a good cupcake. Small cakes or cupcakes artfully arranged on an attractive serving tray and decorated with small fresh or artificial flowers make a truly unique centerpiece. If you like, you can even use these as an alternative to the traditional wedding cake. This allows for more variety in decoration and flavors. Also, your guests can relive wedding memories by cutting the cakes at their table after the bride and groom.

5. Smoke and Mirrors

The combination of candles and mirrors can make for some dazzling effects as centerpieces. Place an attractive round mirror in the center of the table, and have several lit candles of different heights and shapes on the glass. If the light in the reception venue is dim, the light of the candles on the mirrors can produce an awesome effect. Make this tried motif more modern by placing square mirrors under square glass vases, delightfully filled with floating candles and/or submerged flowers.

6. Gift and Grab Boxes

If you’ve got bigger tables, different-sized gift boxes can add a unique touch as centerpieces. Take three different sized boxes and wrap them in unique but complimentary wrapping papers, then glue them together at odd angles to make them unique. For a little extra fun, get some grab bags at a local dollar store and put them inside the boxes for children, or the children at heart.

7. A Puzzling Venture

One idea that’s growing in popularity is to have a jigsaw puzzle made from a picture of the couple as a centerpiece. It encourages the people at the table to work together to assemble the puzzle, and this serves as a great icebreaker.

8. Champagne Anyone?

Another great and useful idea for a centerpiece is a collection of unique champagne glasses. Thrift stores and garage sales often have a lot of these at very reasonable prices, and with a little cleaning they can look as good as new. Arrange the flutes on the tables in random patterns as a centerpiece. They don’t have to match — they just have to play well together. The unifying touch? Fill each one with wedding-friendly candy, such as translucent vanilla Jelly Bellies, champagne candies, or pastel M&Ms. The guests can then use the flutes for toasting — and munching.


Don’t be stifled by traditional centerpiece choices. These unique ideas can not only give your guests a way to break the ice the wedding, but something to marvel over later for years to come. Break the mold, but not your budget!